lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

July 16, 2012

Unfortunately, I don't have too much to post because I woke up not feeling too well today. I tried to attend class, but within an hour I returned home and stayed in bed with the chills and a fever until five. I went to the doctor and they told me I have a bad infection in my throat and I will have to take four shots, some pills for my fever, and a liquid to gargle for the inflammation. I have four days left until I leave Puebla, so I am hoping that I feel better by Wednesday, so that I can make the most of those two days. Until now, I will be in bed for the next two days. I posted some pictures from a party I attended yesterday for a baptism and four first communions. This is where I possibly got sick because the party was in a garden and it got rained out. It was pretty interesting because they had a DJ, activities for the kids, and five cakes for the each child. I appreciated being invited, it was a nice party and everyone seemed to enjoy it, until the rain came pouring down! Hopefully, I can share one more entry before I leave Puebla!

The garden where the party was held.

A band that came to play, which I later heard that they were at the wrong party! Haha.

The DJ and main table for the family to sit, almost like a wedding. 

The little one who got baptized, so cute.

They look yummy, unfortunately we left early because of the rain and didn't get the chance to try them.

Free pony rides!

I was wearing flip flops, not a good idea.

The pottery and Talavera that I am attempting to bring back.

The shots and medicine that I have to take. (Not very fun!)

sábado, 14 de julio de 2012

July 14, 2012

It was nice to sleep in a little longer today. Like a typical Saturday back at home I did laundry, cleaned, and organized my room. I actually have to go to the laundromat, where they actually do your laundry for you (except interior clothes) and you pick it up later in the day, nicely folded! Of course, Mago, never let's me leave the house without having my breakfast so I ate and I stayed chatting with her for awhile. Afterwards, I went to walk around Puebla again, which is something I never get tired of because the town is so beautiful. Today, I felt like I was at the "Taste of Chicago," except it was more like the "Taste of Puebla." On the streets they had food and store stands. It smelled delicious and was very was entertaining because they had music playing and entertainers. Also, I finally went to a well known, recommended restaurant that sells a traditional dish of Puebla, chiles en nogadas! It was well worth it! Right now, after many hours of walking, I just plan to relax for the rest of the night. 

I ate two of these-chalupa with salsa, cheese and scrambled eggs!

After almost being here for five weeks, I'm use to having my huge plate of fruit. 
I'm going to miss this.

I was out a little early, but they were setting up for the day. 

Making tortitas de nata

Huge cazuelas filled with mole

They were setting up a lot of little carnival attractions for the kids.

I still want to buy more!

Mini "Taste of Puebla"

El Mural de los Poblanos Restaurant
If you ever visit Puebla, I recommend this place!

Very nice restaurant and great service!

A traditional chile en nogada, which originated in Puebla. It is tied to the independence of Mexico as you can see the three colors of the Mexican flag are represented. It consists of poblano chiles filled with picadillo. This usually has shredded meat, fruits, spices and aromatics. It is topped with a walnut-based cream sauce (nogada) and pomegranate seeds. A very unique and delicious dish! It's only available from the July until September.

They convinced me on the dessert. This is pan de elote, or cornbread! Very warm and tasty and topped with rompope! 

viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

July 13, 2012

It has been an interesting past two days. Yesterday, we went on an excursion to Metepec and Atlixco. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking. You get great views of the volcano Popocatepetl and of the land in general. In Metepec we visited a trout farm, where got to see fry trout to adult sized trouts. We also got to feed them. Afterwards, we visited Atlixco also called Atlixco de las Flores (of the flowers). It is well known for it's beautiful flower nurseries and town. Today, after lunch I just walked around Puebla.

Scott, our excursion tour guide and I. 

The Trout Farm
You can fish here or there's three restaurants where you can enjoy trout or many other delicious foods!

Filled with thousands and thousands of fish!

Still can't get over how many there are!

Atlixco's beautiful flower nurseries

Atlixco's Zocalo


What is it?

Beautiful town!


Pork chops with pico de gallo

Can't remember the name of this popular ice cream shop that everyone kept recommending, but this has to be in the top 3 of the best ice cream I've ever had. So yummy! 

Beautiful Puebla

I came upon a block with huge houses, some were very well gated, so they were hard to see, but I am sure beautiful inside.