lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

  July 2, 2012

This past weekend was relaxing. On Saturday I walked around Puebla and looked at the local shops and markets. Sunday, I spent the day with Mago, her son Juan and his family. I first went with them to vote for Mexico's presidential election and as we found out today, Enrique Pena Nieto won the presidential election. Afterwards, we went to see some of the churches in Chipilo and ended up attending one of the masses that had just begun when we arrived. The mass only lasted twenty minutes! Then they invited me out for ice cream and I went to their house and of course played with Fany and Fabricio! We went out to eat and then had some coffee and chatted. This morning I got to see Fany and Fabricio right before I left, because they are out of school and will be coming in the mornings as well now. I attended my class, went out to eat and bought the game Jenga to play with Fany and Fabricio. We all played Jenga, ate, and spent the rest of the night chatting.

Fany and Fabricio waiting in the car while their parents were voting

One of the polling stations

Where we went to get ice cream, there was a variety of flavors to choose from!

Mine was "Beso de Angel,"(Kiss of Angel) it was cherry flavored with pieces of cherry and raisins. Very tasty!

The church we attended for mass, which I've posted a picture of it before because I had already visited it, but Mago hadn't yet!

Mago, Fany, Fabricio and I after church. 

We also visited this church, which I have posted pictures of it before, however I am sharing it again because I was unable to take pictures of the inside. 

As you can see there is an abundance of decorations, the most I have ever seen in my life!

This was part of our dinner. At this restaurant you order a variety of meats and then you make your own tacos. You can see on the side many different salsas for toppings and in front are ribs and chorizo. 

It's been raining here almost daily and mostly in the afternoons. Fortunately, we got out of the rain in time!

Fabricio and Fany having breakfast this morning. 

Consome Ranchero 
This one had garbanzo beans, lettuce, tomatoes, cilantro, and rice.
(part of my lunch)

Enchiladas de pollo (chicken) con mole. Enchiladas are corn tortillas filled with a meat, cheese or any ingredient and then covered with a type of sauce. 

For dinner, my host family had made mole with chicken as well, however Mago made the mole herself and it was delicious! Puebla is well known for it's mole poblano and if you ever get the chance to try it, I recommend it! On the side I had "espagueti blanco"(white spaghetti) and requeson, which is almost like ricotta cheese, with rajas. 

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