domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

I've been in Mexico for about a week now. It has been a great experience thus far. The classes, tour guides, and the time I have spent with my family has been wonderful. I have visited the Amparo Museum, many churches, the convent of Franciscano de San Juan Bautista in Cuauhtinchan, "Los Fuertes de Loreto y Guadalupe, where the battle of Puebla occurred on Cinco de Mayo, the onyx and marble factory in Tecali and many of the local hangout spots here in Puebla. It involves a lot of walking! I started my blog a little late, but I am going to try to write in it every couple of days, but for now to sum up my past week, here are some photos of the various places that I have visited so far. Enjoy!

The Amparo Museum

The Cathedral of Puebla 

Inside the Cathedral of Puebla 

The Municipal Palace

Inside Municipal Palace

San Francisco Convent 

Beato Sebastián de Aparicio

Santo Domingo Church

Santo Domingo Church

Los Fuertes de Loreto y Guadalupe, The Battle of Puebla

Those who died at the Battle of Puebla 5,452
The fort 

A nice park they made on the battle fields
Pyramid and Planetarium

Church of Ex Convent of Franciscano in Cuauhtinchan, Puebla
Church of Ex Convent of Franciscano in Cuauhtinchan, Puebla

Outside of the Ex-Convent of Franciscano de San Juan Bautista 

 Inside the Ex-Convent of Franciscano de San Juan Bautista 

Where the monks lived 

The tower's bells (They were so loud!)

The Tower we went up (tiring!)

The ledge we had to walk along. (Scary!)

The factory where they make onyx

white onyx

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