domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

June 24, 2012

Sorry, I haven't written for awhile, I've had less time to write and update my blog. The past several days have been great! On Wednesday,  I went biking and toured Puebla, it was fun and a little scary. In my opinion, they drive a little out of control here, so it was scary biking next to speeding cars, but also a new experience for me. I visited an old jail, which is now a museum and space for offices. On Thursday, I went to Angelopolis, Acatepec and Cholula to visit some churches and see The Great Pyramid of Cholula. It was really interesting! Then for the weekend, I took a 2 1/2 hour bus ride to Mexico City to visit my family that I haven't seen for quite a while. I stayed with my Aunt Teresa, Uncle Emilio and my two cousins Larissa and Alexandra. I had a great time and it was really nice to catch up with them. I got to walk around and see the popular areas in the city. Also, I went to the mall, which is nicer than some of the malls back home! Saturday night, I got to see almost all of my cousins. We all went out for a drink and appetizers and then spent the night playing games at my cousin's apartment. I never get to see them and spend any time with them, so it's definitely a memory that I'll cherish. I plan on visiting again in two weeks and cannot wait! Sunday was nice too because I was able to see my other uncle and my grandfather, who is 96 and I'm happy to say who is still looking strong and healthy. Overall, I've had an amazing time the past week, and I'm very much looking forward to this week!

Here I am biking around a park, before we headed around town.

This was the old jail that they turned into the "Museo de la Intervencion Francesa" 
This museum displays some of the objects used in the Battle of Puebla and it's history.

A beautiful church built in the XVII century in Angelopolis. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to take pictures inside of the church, but it is one of the most decorated churches I have ever seen! 

You can see how nicely decorated it is on the outside, only if I could show you the inside!

Museum in Cholula that displays artifacts found from the Great Pyramid of Cholula.

Some of the tools that were used. 

A mini model of the Great Pyramid of Cholula. It is the largest archaeological site of a pyramid in the New World!

The pyramid is huge. It is farther then from where I took this picture to where you see the church! The church appears to look like it's on a hill, but it's actually part of the pyramid, it is just covered by grass and trees. 

Here I am by the stairs of the pyramid, which were extremely scary walking down from!

We climbed all the way to the top where the church is, this was the last set of stairs! Phew!

Church of Our Lady of Remedies which was built by the Spanish in colonial times (1594) on top of the prehispanic temple.

This week I got to try homemade chalupas. These are nothing like the chalupas you might be thinking about that are from taco bell. These are fried tortillas with salsa roja or verde with cheese, but other ingredients can be added. They also originated in Puebla. 

This is in Mexico City. I was having dinner with my Aunt and Uncle and a few of my cousins.

Here I am with my cousins out at La Cerveceria de Barrio 

We were very tired from Saturday night, so we had some coffee and churros!

The delicious churros filled with strawberry, chocolate, nutella, cream, and some other yummy fillings.

My Grandpa and I at his house.

A nice meal of carnitas, rice and tortillas with my family at my Grandpa's house. 

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